Day 16 - 7 July - Youngstown - 145km

Day 16 - 7 July - Youngstown - 145km

    Today's ride was particularly difficult! The temperature got to 34 degrees and we had a strong head wind. I don't think I made it past 15kms per hour all day! As if the sun beating down on me wasn't enough, the heat radiating up from the Tarmac did! I arrived in Youngstown 10 hours after we left Drumheller.

   I was was done in, but to my amazement, we were welcomed by the residents! For 29 years the residents have been hosting a potluck for the Tour de Canada participants. It was very unexpected and      wonderful! It was just like the kitchen party we went to in Newfoundland, minus the music!
   If that isn't enough, we get to sleep in the community centre! How awesome is that! No setting up the tent and no bugs!
   I'm on kitchen duty tomorrow and we get to cook breakfast inside! A rare treat.
  We have another long day to Saskatchewan tomorrow and this will be a good send off!


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