Day 11 - 2 July - Lake Louis

Day 11 - 2 July - Lake Louise

   Today was an awesome day! The weather was perfect! I was so worried about the climb up Kicking Horse Pass, but I climbed all 1647 metres! I was a little peeved that there was no summit sign at the top! Now I can't prove I did it!
   The Kicking Horse river is gorgeous. The water is an aquamarine and the current is fast. It makes for lots of Rapids.

   We saw a family of Mountain goats high up on the ridge.

   I had an interesting thing happen. We were flagged down by a family. Their tire was losing air and they wanted to know if we had a pump. I loaned them my very small pump and they put some air in the tire. They were so panicked that they wouldn't make it back to Calgary that they bought the pump from me! I hope they make it and I hope I don't have a flat before I can replace it!

   We stopped at the Spiral Tunnel lookout just in time to see the train go through! It was way cool to see the locomotive  coming out of the top tunnel while the rest of the train was at another level!

   We crossed the border into Alberta just after the summit. One province down, nine  to go!

    The descent into the Lake Louise campsite was striking. The mountains feel so close! You're looking at all the beautiful scenery and then you see the electrified fence! The fence is there to keep the bears out of the campsite area.  They are VERY strict about storing your food properly, so the bears aren't tempted.

   We didn't see Lake Louise today. It's on the list for tomorrow!


  1. Congratulations on the big climb!! you are amazing!


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